Thursday, March 13, 2008

Reading instruction over the Internet

Well, I finished with my student and I am so delighted with her progress! She is too- she commented on the fourth day that she thought she had learned more about reading in those four days than in her entire life! Bear in mind that this is a vivacious 11 year old who may be prone to exaggeration... but she did do incredibly well. Her mom was pleased too. I am hoping I can do more of this! the connections over the internet were excellent, and the sound quality perfect. There was no lag!
I have been discussing the pros and cons of early intervention with some parents and teachers of home learners, and I said I would post a link to one of my favourite articles by Joseph Torgesen on my blog. I have since found some other favourites.
They are in the sidebar under Favourite Links.
One in particular is very interesting for teachers, and although there is only a summary, it is worth the 5.00 to purchase the whole article. It is "spot on" as far as I am concerned.

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